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R&D Technology

De-risking Hitech

Gossamer Netting with Hitech Infrastructural Hydroponics.

To "de-risk" technology involving GMO pollen-bearing particles in recirculating "wading" pools,

from seagrasses that flower, unfortunately, techniques involving maternal mitochondrial segreggation of GMO rec-DNA is still far from being attained, making for shrouding in nylon-like (the exact hitech polymer is unspecified at this time), gas-permeable, dust proof material- to several microns in pore size, in caged awned removable shelters. 

This is an important consideration to make in future plans to construct dyked square paddies for a pond system by hectare area or acreage.

It should be mentioned that land-basing makes pollen drift and contamination of surrounding wetlands and coastal areas not likely. Anti-pollen herbicides will be used in solution and for work ups including washings.

To "de-risk" technology involving GMO pollen-bearing particles in recirculating "wading" pools,

from seagrasses that flower, unfortunately, techniques involving maternal mitochondrial segreggation of GMO rec-DNA is still far from being attained, making for shrouding in nylon-like (the exact hitech polymer is unspecified at this time), gas-permeable, dust proof material- to several microns in pore size, in caged awned removable shelters. 

This is an important consideration to make in future plans to construct dyked square paddies for a pond system by hectare area or acreage.

It should be mentioned that land-basing makes pollen drift and contamination of surrounding wetlands and coastal areas not likely. Anti-pollen herbicides will be used in solution and for work ups including washings.

Biocontainment of GM​O​Pollination​ with S​econdary P​lant Alkaloids.

We recently examined the problem with "de-risking"​ through containment of pollen from land-based raised seagrasses using anti-pollen chemical agents in pre-treated seawater pre-filtered formulated media. Plant alkaloids like colchicine, podophyllotoxin and vinblastine bind to microtubular protein structures and act as agents that stop the birefringence of the mitotic spindle fibres and division in pollen mother cells, e. g. in Lilium. (S​ee: Lacey, E. et al., 1987 for model studies on vinblastine and colchicine binding to microtubules of sheep brain.) The questio is whether there is a differential effect on the microtubules in other vegetative cells in plants and if this could be in orders of magnitude. Organic herbicide secondary plant alkaloids such as these could possibly have no effect on like plant cells where they occur although this remains to be tested on seagrasses.  A​ much lower demarcatio from a critical concentration in micromolar (micromoles/L​)​ is desired for commercial purposes for cost consideration for the concentration or absolute amount used to be lowest to bring about pollen cell death.

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